Mónica Munguía is a type designer and graphic designer based in Mexico. She holds a Master degree in Typographic Design from the Gestalt Studies Center. She is co-author of the book “Elementype, a practical guide to typographic use".
She was founder of Momutype Foundry and Studio, where she works and produce custom and retail fonts. She was the first woman in México to work with an international Foundry and Be part of the Typethursday Mexico City team as Dialogue Lead.
She has been a national and international speaker in conferences at ATypi, TypeLab, Tipografía México, Tipografilia and Mi TipoEs.
She received the international Clap and Tipos Latinos award. Her interest in spreading this discipline has led her to obtain the PADID and FONCA scholarship for the National Center for the Arts and the Secretary of Culture of Mexico.
Master degree . Typographic Design . 2008–2009
Bachelor degree . Graphic Design . 2003–2008
ATypi . Xantolo typeface
Typelab-Typographics . Custom Type in Mexico
Letrástica Festival . Elementype book presentation
Tipografilia . Ellas, las letras y sus autoras
Tipografía México . Proceso tipográfico
Mi tipoES . Xihtli: un viaje de ida y vuelta
Tipos Latinos 2012 & 2014
Clap Awards 2017
+52 55 3903 0983
☞ monica@momutype.com
☞ monica@momutype.com
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